Tuesday, February 28, 2017

He had been straining to reach the top. The summit had finally come into sight, making the excrutiating journey a little more endurable. The treeline had long been broken and with sideways glances the climber knew that he had reached the last phase of his effort. Not many things were running through that focused mind, distractions no longer had a foothold as the attraction of his destination had taken complete control. The environment was exacting the climber's final surge to succeed or fail. Success or failure, as clear as black and white, stood imminent ahead.

With only two options staring down at the mountaineer, the climber's plight is much different than my own. In my life, I can live a day and the result can be neutral. Nothing gained, nothing lost. My environment of modern day civilization calls me to embark on many endeavors. Before me lie many roads to success, and many to failure. The government, educational systems, countless employment opportunities, requests of family members, religious institutions, all call to me to choose, to participate. Bookstores offer unending literature, the compliation of thousands of people's live's work staring up at me from shelf to shelf, and yet the climber sees one summit. How refreshing that concept is to me, to look above yourself and see the destination, a singularity that my soul cannot deny. Often, my ideas of success materialize in a place that mimics a concept of being above my current location, not below. The dillution of lateral endeavors almost brings my heart to a place of apathy. Lost in the immensity of possibilities any soul would feel lost, or frightened, and yet the climber's goal is resolutely above him.

Through out history one name has stood out. Today, you hear this name in both positive and negative speech. This name has coupled with it a host of implications that rise up as soon as it leaves the speaker's lips. As I will shortly write it now, you will experience your own reaction. It will stare you down, as if from a mountain top above, foreboading, as if waiting to hear if you will start to climb up the mystery this name pronounces. Prepare yourself to see the summit, a clearing ahead will open your eyes to a singular outcropping on your mind's vision. The name is Jesus Christ.

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