Monday, March 6, 2017

Muddy footsteps? Needn't worry!

As I read the following verses, I couldn't help but think about mud & muck on the bottom of shoes when someone walks through or over wet ground. You could encounter this on a hiking trail, short-cutting the "long way" of the side walk by taking the grassy route, or simply, "splash!" ... to which you then exclaim, "Darn! My socks are definitely going to be wet shortly!" So, what's the verse?

     I waited patiently for the LORD;
        he inclined to me and heard my cry.
     He drew me up from the pit of destruction,
         out of the miry bog,
     and set my feet upon a rock,
        making my steps secure.
                                   - Psalm 40:1-2 (ESV)

That's, or rather, those, are the verses. My thought process though wasn't if-then though... It was more of a continuum (I described the mud & muck to make sure all y'all were on the same page) ... My thought process when I read about being drawn up from 'the miry bog' was followed immediately by the plight of the rock. In my mind's eye, the rock was white & smooth, upon which there was shortly to be muddy shoe prints! Then I imagined, or wondered, if, as the person who had been drawn up from that 'pit of destruction' continued to walk along (albeit now on a secure path, "making my steps secure"), the mud on the bottom of that person's boots slowly fell off, and the muddy track eventually became untraceable.

I'm not putting forth a theological discussion asking that we read between the lines of "out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock," in that one could ask the question, "Does God clean our feet/boots before He sets us down upon the rock?" Rather, I put forward a picture for your mind's eye: a trail of muddy boot-prints growing ever fainter as the believer continues along the rock that is our Savior. Muddy footsteps? Needn't worry! I bet (and am sure if you yield yourself to the work of the Holy Spirit within) that mud will wear off with time!